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How do you imagine your future?


In dem Bild sind 3 Personen im Halbkreis um ein Tablet zu sehen. Die linke Person ist eine junge Frau, blonde lange Haare und sie lächelt. In der Mitte steht ein junger Mann, er hat kruze braune Haare und eine Brille. Die rechte Person ist ebenfalls ein junger Mann. Er hat braune kurze Haare, eine Brille und lächelt. | The picture shows 3 people in a semi-circle around a tablet. The person on the left is a young woman with long blonde hair and she is smiling. In the middle is a young man with short brown hair and glasses. The person on the right is also a young man. He has short brown hair, glasses and is smiling. | SPIRIT/21

Vocatium on 9 July 2024

We will be at the vocatium in Stuttgart again this year in July!

Learn more

In dem Bild sind 3 Menschen zu sehen, 2 von Ihnen sitzen vor Laptops, eine Person steht. Vorne rechts ist ein junger Mann zu sehen. Er sitzt, hat kurze braune Haare, eine Brille und vor ihm steht zusammen mit dem Laptop ein Kaffee. Links von ihm steht die zweite Person. Ebenfalls ein junger Mann mit kurzen schwarzen Haaren. Nochmal links von ihm sitzt eine junge Frau. Sie schaut inden Laptop vor ihr und hat blonde laange Haare. Der junge Mann in der Mitte (zweite Person) schaut mit in ihren Laptop rein. | The picture shows 3 people, 2 of them are sitting in front of laptops, one person is standing. A young man can be seen in the front right. He is sitting, has short brown hair, glasses and in front of him is a coffee together with the laptop. The second person is standing to his left. Also a young man with short black hair. Another young woman is sitting to his left. She is looking at the laptop in front of her and has long blonde hair. The young man in the middle (second person) is also looking into her laptop. | SPIRIT/21

School holiday company day

Not in the mood for boredom during the school holidays? Then come to our school holiday company day!

Register now

In dem Bild sind 2 Personen zu sehen. Eine Person sitzt vor dem Laptop, die andere Person daneben steht. Sie schauen beide in den Bildschirm der vor Ihnen steht. Die sitzende Person, rechts, ist ein junger Mann. Er hat kurze blonde Haare und lächelt. Links von ihm steht eine junge Frau. Sie hat mittellange braune Haare, eine Brille und sie lächelt. | The picture shows 2 people. One person is sitting in front of the laptop, the other person is standing next to it. They are both looking at the screen in front of them. The person sitting on the right is a young man. He has short blond hair and is smiling. To his left is a young woman. She has medium-length brown hair, glasses and is smiling. | SPIRIT/21

Your apprenticeship at SPIRIT/21

When it comes to solid, practice-based learning and studying, we know what we’re talking about. We have been training teenagers and young adults since our company was founded. Every year, we offer numerous dual training and study programmes.

We focus on practical relevance, creative, independent work, integration, trust and team spirit in a familiar working atmosphere. We teach you practical and specialised theoretical content and promote your social and methodological skills through additional seminars and internal projects. We work closely with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, vocational schools and the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) to ensure that you receive individualised support and optimal support.

In dem Schaubild kann man oben das Logo der IHK sehen. Darunter ist das Logo der DHBW (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg). | The IHK logo can be seen at the top of the diagram. Below it is the logo of the DHBW (Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University). | SPIRIT/21


SPIRIT/21 offers you various apprenticeships every year. The apprenticeship usually lasts three years. However, under certain conditions, you have the option of shortening the training period to up to two years.

Our aim is to prepare you optimally for the time after your apprenticeship and to make it easier for you to start your career at SPIRIT/21.

Dual study programme

The special feature of the ‘dual study programme’ is the direct implementation of theoretical content in practice. This combination of theoretical phases at the Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University (DHBW) and professional phases at SPIRIT/21 represents an interesting alternative to university studies. The course content at the Cooperative State University is geared towards the real requirements of the labour market and is known for its exceptionally high level of quality.

We currently offer these training and study programmes:

Course of training and studies

The image shows a timeline with 4 sections. It starts with the field “Before the start: Recruitment phase”. This field includes the student marketing, application process & contract conclusion and finally the SPIRIT/21 info day. Then comes the field “1st year: Orientation phase”. This includes the introductory month, the practical assignments and individual support through training & certification. Next comes the “2nd year: learning phase” field. This includes the development meetings and customer projects. The last field is the 3rd year, the performance phase. This includes the completion of training/studies and the takeover. | SPIRIT/21

Best trainers in Germany

For the seventh time in a row, SPIRIT/21 has been recognised as ‘Germany’s Best Trainer’ by business magazine Capital. This means that we are also one of the 500 best training companies in Germany in 2023/2024.

Top marks for the dual study programme

SPIRIT/21 received top marks in both categories - dual study programme and apprenticeship - with 5 out of 5 stars for the criteria ‘support’, ‘learning on the job’, ‘company commitment’, ‘opportunities for success’ and ‘innovative learning methods’.

In dem Schaubild sind 2 Zertifikate der SPIRIT/21 zu sehen. Das linke Zertifikat ist ausgeschrieben für "Beste Ausbilder Deutschlands, 5 Sterne, Höchstnote für SPIRIT/21". Das rechte Zertifikat ist ausgeschrieben für "Beste Ausbilder Deutschlands Duales Studium, 5 Sterne, Höchstnote für SPIRIT/21". Beide Zertifikate sind ausgestellt von "Capital". | The diagram shows 2 certificates from SPIRIT/21. The certificate on the left is for “Best trainers in Germany, 5 stars, top score for SPIRIT/21”. The certificate on the right is advertised for “Best trainers in Germany for dual studies, 5 stars, top score for SPIRIT/21”. Both certificates are issued by “Capital”. | SPIRIT/21

Introductory month for a successful start

At the beginning of your apprenticeship, the focus is on getting to know SPIRIT/21, your colleagues and the departments. During the introductory month you will receive helpful information about the training programme. The department and team presentations give you the opportunity to gain your first impressions of the specialist topics and get to know many colleagues.

Icon Leiter | Icon ladder | SPIRIT/21

Modern equipment for budding IT professionals

The technical equipment of an IT professional is like the tools of a craftsman. At SPIRIT/21, we create this important basis with modern equipment. This will be made available to you during your training and studies for your tasks in the company, but also for your time at vocational school and university.

Icon Laptop | Icon Laptop | SPIRIT/21

Assumption of costs for your safety

Some costs are incurred during the training and study period. For example, tuition fees or administrative costs for exam registrations, but also for textbooks, excursions or binding project work. SPIRIT/21 will be happy to cover these costs for you and thus offer you financial security.

Icon Sparschwein | Icon piggy bank | SPIRIT/21

Experience community at SPIRIT/21

In addition to the many exciting projects and tasks within the training programme, we meet regularly for barbecues, team days or Christmas parties so that we can exchange ideas with each other and leave work behind for a short time. After all, we don’t want to miss out on the fun during the training period.

Icon tanzender Mensch mit Noten | Icon of dancing person with sheet music | SPIRIT/21

Active support through further training and certificates

As one of the best trainers in Germany, SPIRIT/21 is home to many young talents. Your personal and professional development is a high priority. You have the opportunity to develop freely, as further training and certificates are actively encouraged during your training.

Icon Rakete | Icon rocket | SPIRIT/21

Immerse yourself in real projects

During your apprenticeship, you will gain exciting insights into real project life. You will take on your first sub-projects independently and become a fully-fledged member of the project teams right from the start. In addition to exciting customer projects, you will take on internal projects to actively contribute to keeping the SPIRIT/21 applications up to date.

Icon Sprechblasen | Icon speech bubbles | SPIRIT/21

Support and guidance during your training and studies

You will be provided with numerous contact persons throughout the entire training period. In addition to the training supervisor, a training mentor is available for the duration of the training programme. The training mentors are responsible for coordination, but also for your professional support during your practical assignments. You will also be assigned a mentor. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions you have in regular dialogue with your mentor.

Icon zwei Menschen | Icon two people | SPIRIT/21

Student internship

Are you a school pupil looking for a company where you can get to know the everyday working life of an IT professional as part of a school internship? Then an internship at SPIRIT/21 is a great opportunity.

With us, you will gain a first insight into the daily tasks of IT specialists. Thanks to the various possible assignments, we can cater specifically to your interests and show you what is behind the individual professions.

During your internship, you will have a dedicated contact person who will be happy to answer all your questions about IT and training at SPIRIT/21.

Are you interested? Then apply to SPIRIT/21 now, preferably via our unsolicited application centre. We look forward to receiving your application with your complete application documents.

Apply now

Do you have further questions about training, studying or an internship at SPIRIT/21? Feel free to send us a message or take a look at our FAQs

Our FAQs on training and the dual study programme

Marie Schmidtkonz


Our training manager Marie completed her training with us herself and therefore knows her department inside out. She will be happy to answer any questions you may have about vocational training, dual study programmes and internships.

Marie Schmidtkonz