Successful and secure implementation of SAP S/4HANA
Switching to SAP S/4HANA is no Sunday outing - regardless of whether you are setting up the system from scratch or converting the existing system: You can expect a wild rally. As the driver, you have the steering wheel and gas pedal under control. As a co-driver, we provide you with the right tips and our pit crew prepares your vehicle optimally for each stage. In this way, we ensure that you win your personal S/4HANA rally and are your partner from training to the start to the finish.
To reach the finish line safely, it is important to complete the project with an experienced partner.
The right team for success
With a strong co-pilot who has already mastered many rallies, your S/4HANA project is in safe hands. With our expertise and experience, we know the hurdles and obstacles along the way and know exactly where you can step on the gas or where you should drive particularly carefully. This is how you get your project safely over the course and to the finish line.
While your team drives the rally, we take over the Support for your current systems and applications.
We understand SMEs
Transforming S/4HANA to meet your needs, individually and flexibly
As an IT service provider that has successfully supported and advised customers of all sizes, our focus is on SMEs. We do not offer huge strategy packages, but take you safely and efficiently from A to B. In our “pacenotes”, we bring with us all the knowledge and experience from successfully completed SAP S/4HANA transformations. We always keep your specific situation in mind. We use a structured, tried-and-tested approach that reflects the actual needs of your company and meets its specific requirements. With this modular building block model, we ensure that you successfully master the SAP S/4HANA Readiness Check.
Four stages to the finish line
Like the racing car, the project must also be well designed in order to ultimately meet all the expected requirements. Together, we look at which approach is the right one for your specific transformation and which tools are needed. We also put together the team that will accompany you along the entire route. In this way, you will be supported by the people who are most familiar with the challenges and tasks of the SAP S/4HANA transformation in your company.
We walk the route with you and take a look at your systems. We check whether everything has been considered and highlight the processes and areas that require particular attention during the transformation. We check that the right tools are ready and that everything can run smoothly.
We develop the future business processes together with you in workshops. By means of continuous testing, we constantly improve the processes and methods until everything runs exactly as you want it to.
Finally, the transformation takes place - through teamwork between pilot, co-pilot and crew, you successfully cross the finish line and put the new system live.
Ready for the future
The transformation creates the basis for your business success, as your systems are ready for all future requirements.
And after the rally, or while your team is driving the rally, we already have an eye on the latest system updates and support you with SAP Application Management.
Do you also want to win your S/4HANA rally and need a strong partner?
Steffen Enderle
Bereichsleiter ERP
Phone: +491715625785
Steffen is your competent and experienced partner when it comes to strategically deciding on a migration path to SAP S/4HANA and developing a concrete roadmap for your transformation project.