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SAP S/4 HANA transformation

Whether you are migrating your systems to S/4 HANA or your company is changing, we have the right solution for your SAP transformation project.

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Über-die-Schulter-Blick einer Frau, die an einem Dokumentenverwaltungssystem arbeitet, das effiziente Geschäftsprozesse ermöglicht  | SPIRIT/21

SAP Transformation process

Rise with SAP and the SAP Cloud

The Cloud has been an integral part of the modern IT world for several years now. On the one hand, the clever relocation of workload to the cloud offers great potential to digitalize and modernize processes in order to stand out from the competition. On the other hand, there are still reservations regarding data integrity. Moving from an on-premise data center to the cloud alone does not usually generate any major synergies either. We can advise you on this path and work with you to optimize your SAP landscape.

SAP S/4HANA Best Practices

BUSINESSTRANSIT® for changes in your company structure

What is the best way to successfully migrate an SAP system from one platform to another? From the experience of many carve-in/carve-out projects, we have developed a process model that ensures that such a move can be successful. There is one best solution.

Our SAP experience shows: four phases and one goal for the perfect move

The perfect choreography is crucial: whether it’s a complete relocation of existing IT landscapes or a platform change. The interaction of all those involved is crucial for success.

The SPIRIT/21 four-phase model was developed from the experience of many SAP transition projects. It ensures that the migration of an SAP system runs as smoothly as possible, so that your employees can work with the system undisturbed before, during and after the migration phase.

Phase 1: Analysis
In the analysis phase, experienced SPIRIT/21 experts work with you to determine the scope of the project: Where are there critical points, where are dependencies that need to be taken into account? In a joint workshop, all information relevant to the move is reviewed once again.

Phase 2: Planning and preparation
The move methodology is now defined. Interdependent systems are grouped together in move clusters. And the infrastructure for the move is being set up. Where does the project stand? Are there any delays? Our storybooks provide full transparency on the progress of the project - they are structured in a comprehensible way based on proven SPIRIT/21 processes.

Phase 3: Implementation
The SPIRIT/21 transition manager controls the interaction between the individual departments. Experienced SPIRIT/21 specialists, project managers and architects integrate the relocated systems into the new system landscape. They work hand-in-hand. There is a constant target/actual comparison, which is recorded in the storybooks.

Phase 4: Conclusion
In the final phase, the relocation infrastructure is dismantled and old systems that are no longer required are switched off. The system documentation and operating documents are adapted so that work can continue seamlessly in the new IT landscape. Proper relocation status is verified and documented. Whether medium-sized companies or international corporations, the SPIRIT/21 four-phase model creates the security for a smooth transition.

Contact us

Our SAP transformation services for you

  • Development of the optimal carve-in and carve-out strategy
  • Re-engineering of processes incl. customized coding
  • Rule-based separation of the database
  • Development of data migration strategies

SAP S/4 HANA transformation

We like to compare S/4HANA transformation projects to a rally in which we want to guide you successfully to the finish line. As the driver, you have the steering wheel and the gas pedal under control - in other words, you determine the direction and speed. As co-co driver, we provide you with the right tips and our pit crew optimally prepares your vehicle for each stage. This way, we ensure that you win your personal S/4HANA rally and are your partner from training to the start to the finish.

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Steffen Enderle

Bereichsleiter ERP

Steffen is your competent and experienced partner when it comes to strategically deciding on a migration path to SAP S/4HANA and developing a concrete roadmap for your transformation project.

Profilbild Steffen Enderle