SPIRIT/21 and the sequoia tree
Strong, resilient and safe - this is what the company SPIRIT/21, founded in 1998, was supposed to become, symbolized by a sequoia tree in a pot. What has become of it?
What a tree - How a delicate little plant became a stately organism
Sequoias are impressive creatures that are native to California. They belong to the cypress family and are known for their enormous size, their great age, their special protective mechanisms and their importance for the environment. This blog post will shed light on how this relates to an IT start-up that has been on the market for almost 25 years.
Sequoias are the largest trees in the world and can reach a height of up to 115 meters, with a trunk circumference of up to 30 meters. Some sequoias are more than 3,000 years old, making them among the oldest living things on earth.
Sequoias have a thick bark that protects them from pest infestation and fire. The wood and bark are impregnated with chemical substances such as tannic acid, which is why fungi avoid the trees. They also have a special ability to sprout again after forest fires. Thanks to their strength, they can also withstand strong winds without breaking.
The trees play an important role in the ecosystem of the Sierra Nevada, where they are native. They provide a habitat for many animal species and help to stabilize the soil. They also produce large amounts of oxygen while breathing carbon dioxide, making a valuable contribution to climate protection and air purity.

The sequoia as a role model - a Christmas present in a flower pot
The special features of the sequoia tree listed above undoubtedly justify using it as an inspiration and model for “organisms” of a completely different kind. When SPIRIT/21 was founded at the end of 1998, the company founders not only had the spirit of the approaching 21st century in mind, but also wanted to create a company that would be as stable, resilient and safe as a sequoia tree. At one of the first Christmas parties in the company’s history, important business partners were therefore presented with a small sequoia tree in a flower pot.
Almost 25 years later, the former start-up, which now has around 500 employees, is a remarkable example of a successful start-up. The company has managed to establish itself on the market as an IT service provider and to grow. The employees have a secure and stable job and SPIRIT/21 is a notable cog in the wheel for the health of the “IT ecosystem” in the Böblingen region. Every year, many young people start their careers at SPIRIT/21 and remain with the company after their training and studies.
Outgrowing the pot
The sequoia trees that were given away at the time have also grown considerably. One particularly beautiful specimen stands in the garden of Jens Planert, the founder and former managing director of JPL, which was taken over by SPIRIT/21 after many years of successful collaboration. The delicate little plant from back then now reaches a good 20 m into the sky. We are delighted that both the tree and the company have a solid trunk and are constantly adding new branches and perspectives.

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