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Ein Laptop mit Personen auf dem Display. In der Mitte schwebt eine blaue Glühbrine | SPIRIT/21
Von Markus Wühr am 26.09.2023 SAP Services

Factors of successful SAP S/4HANA transformation projects

Transform as needed

With SAP Activate, SAP offers a standardized and comprehensive process model for the S/4HANA transformation. However, it is often not easy – especially for medium-sized companies – to derive a project framework adapted to their needs and to evaluate it in terms of the financial and time expenditure.

A structured, proven approach that reflects the real needs of the company and meets individual needs helps. We help companies to become S/4HANA ready and accompany them on their journey from planning to operation. In this article, we will explain how SPIRIT/21 does this.

Making the S/4HANA transformation manageable and easier for medium-sized companies

Many of our clients want a transparent method to evaluate their transformation project in terms of costs, resources and duration. In practice, it is most important to provide a project template that is tailored to the specific customer situation. This is precisely why we have developed our modular transformation toolkit.

Transformation Toolkit Model

This is a method that is based on the SAP Activate elements, but uses a template that is specifically tailored to medium-sized companies. All elements already contain a predefined cost and time estimate based on successfully completed projects. Roles and responsibilities are also already planned accordingly. In this way, the scope and dimensioning of all relevant topics can be accurately estimated. The special feature of this method is that new variants of project planning can be quickly and easily configured by adding or removing individual building blocks, thereby simulating different project scenarios.

Baukaustenmethode zur SAP S/4HANA Transformation in drei Schitten: 1. Scoping, 2. Absteckung des zeitlichen Projektrahmens, 3. Budget- und Ressourcenplanung | SPIRIT/21

All elements of the modular system are already pre-selected by us – as mandatory, hardly relevant or optional for medium-sized companies. We coordinate the optional elements together with our customers and thus determine the scope of the project progression. Based on this scope, a tool-based estimation of time and effort is automatically derived. In this way, capacities for the project can be planned at an early stage based on the different roles and responsibilities.

Advantages of the modular principle

Our modular approach builds on practical experience and focuses on the essentials. The predefined structure provides an overview of the clearly defined dependencies of the individual components, creates transparency and facilitates project planning. The pre-selection and prioritisation of all relevant topics within a single workshop speeds up the planning phase and reduces uncertainties. This makes the project design of the S/4HANA transformation clear and comprehensible for the customer.

Faktoren erfolgreicher Transformationsprojekte: Commitment des Management, eindeutige Zielsetzung, Intensive Kommunikation innerhalb/außerhalb des Projektteams, Innovieren, Begeistern, Befähigen und Integrieren, Analyse der Ausgangssituation, der Stakeholder und des Bedarfs, Businessziel im Fokus behalten, Enge zusammenarbeit zwischen IT und Fachbereich sowie Berücksichtigung kultureller Unterschiede | SPIRIT/21

Other aspects to consider during a S/4HANA transformation

In our experience, it is particularly important to involve all relevant stakeholders from the outset and to support the transformation with appropriate change management measures. This includes the commitment of management, a clear definition of goals with a focus on business objectives, intensive communication within and outside the project team, and close integration between all project participants.

Our conclusion: Focusing only on the technical aspects of the S/4HANA transformation is definitely not enough. It is equally important to consider which procedural and organizational changes accompany the transition and how they can be organised and managed.

The major study “SAP S/4HANA 2022” by COMPUTERWOCHE, CIO and CSO provides further insights into the subject. Zum Download

Markus Wühr

Senior Consultant

As a senior project manager, Markus was responsible for the SAP S/4HANA implementation at odelo GmbH, among other things.

Markus Wühr