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Working at SPIRIT/21

In dem Bild sieht man mittig eine Frau, mittellange schwarze Haare mit einem Handy in der Hand. Sie lächelt die Person links von ihr an. Die linke Person ist mit dem Rücken zu der Kamera gedreht. SIe hat blonde lange Haare, hällt ebenfalls ein Handy in der Hand und eine Trinkflasche. | In the center of the picture you can see a woman with medium-length black hair holding a cell phone. She is smiling at the person to her left. The person on the left has their back to the camera. She has long blonde hair and is also holding a cell phone and a water bottle. | SPIRIT/21

Your career at SPIRIT/21

The soul of SPIRIT/21 is the enthusiasm of our employees for the company, for the challenges of our customers and for the optimal solution in each case. The primary goal of our management culture is to create freedom. Freedom that enables our employees to develop new ideas and actively contribute them to the development process.

As a medium-sized IT company, we stand for short decision-making processes, open doors and pragmatic methods. Well-founded criticism, especially from our employees, is a driving force for continuous improvement. It is also part of the performance that goes into the results, which we respect and value.

Experience the TeamSPIRIT

Values play a central role in our corporate culture.

Honesty is essential for us. We give prompt and direct feedback, express criticism objectively and transparently, communicate openly and only make openly and only make promises to customers that we can keep.

Appreciation characterises our interpersonal relationships. We treat each other with respect, communicate regularly and attentively and meet deadlines conscientiously.

Enthusiasm is what drives us. We aim high and do not forget to enjoy, recognise and celebrate, even small successes. We solve problems in a friendly and efficient manner and actively and continuously contribute to the company’s success.

Promoting talent is important to us. We support our employees according to their individual strengths, utilise them in a targeted manner to enable outstanding performance and encourage everyone to make an active contribution.

In dem Schaubild ssind die Werte von SPIRIT/21 zu sehen. Oben links in dem hellblauen Kästchen steht Ehrlichkeit (Honesty), in dem dunkelblauen Kästchen rechts daneben Wertschätzung (Valuation). Unten rechts, in dem lilalen Kästchen steht Talentförderung (Promoting) und links daneben in dem grünen Kästchen steht Begeisterung (Encouragement). | The chart shows the values of SPIRIT/21. At the top left in the light blue box is Honesty, in the dark blue box to the right is Valuation. At the bottom right, in the purple box, is Promoting and to the left, in the green box, is Encouragement. | SPIRIT/21

Experienced contacts in the mentoring programme provide support in the first few weeks

After an introduction by the HR business partners, during which the new hardware is issued and all important information is communicated, the first few weeks at SPIRIT/21 follow. During this time, experienced SPIRITians are available to each new starter as trusted contacts as part of a mentor programme. In regular feedback meetings with your mentor, you have the opportunity to ask any questions that are on your mind.

Icon Patenprogramm | Icon sponsorship program | SPRIT/21

Attractive pension provision and accident insurance

Pension provision is essential for every employee. With an attractive framework agreement, SPIRIT/21 not only offers the opportunity to provide for retirement at low cost through deferred compensation, but also supports this with a subsidy depending on the company affiliation. It is also possible to take over existing contracts and continue them with SPIRIT/21. SPIRIT/21 also offers accident insurance for your employees, which is also valid in their private lives.

Icon Altersvorsorge | Retirement provision icon | SPRIT/21

Employee development programme for personal and professional skills

As one of the best trainers in Germany, SPIRIT/21 is home to many young talents. This makes the personal and professional development of our colleagues a high priority. Our two-stage Employee Development Programme promotes talented individuals in their social and leadership skills and prepares our participants for their future careers. But all SPIRITians also have the opportunity to develop freely outside of this programme, as we actively promote further training and certificates.

Icon Rakete | Icon rocket | SPIRIT/21

Networking and knowledge transfer on current IT topics

Depending on your technical specialisation, you can regularly exchange ideas on specific topics and trends in small groups. Within the SPIRIT/21 Communities you will find many IT enthusiasts on a wide range of topics who are open to sharing their experiences and learning from each other. We also organise meetups, lecture series and trade fair visits on cutting-edge technologies, where you can participate as a listener or speaker.

Icon Sprechblasen | Icon speech bubbles | SPIRIT/21

Individual career development

SPIRIT/21’s philosophy is based on individuality. After 20 years of company history, the basic idea today, as in the past, is to see employees as the most important part of the company. That is why there are no rigid career paths at SPIRIT/21, but rather the right path for everyone. In annual development meetings, you and your manager decide which path you would like to take and develop yourself further in the long term, both practically and with training and certificates.

Icon Leiter | Icon ladder | SPIRIT/21

Modern equipment for optimum performance

The technical equipment of an IT’ler is like the tools of a craftsman. At SPIRIT/21, we create this important basis with modern equipment, which can be customised individually. All SPIRITians receive hardware and software customised to their respective tasks at the start. A sophisticated MDM system allows the business smartphone to be used privately without any major restrictions.

Icon Laptop | Icon Laptop | SPIRIT/21

Sustainable mobility for SPIRITians

Sustainability not only plays a major role in SPIRIT/21 projects, but our employees also benefit from this guiding principle. With our partner ‘BusinessBike’, we enable our employees to lease bicycles and e-bikes at attractive conditions through deferred compensation and thus do something good not only for their health, but also for the environment.

Icon Fahrrad | Icon bike | SPIRIT/21

Exclusive special conditions through Corporate Benefits

Our partner ‘Corporate Benefits’ offers all SPIRIT/21 employees a wide range of offers with high-quality special conditions from well-known manufacturers and brands. With a seasonally changing selection, the discount campaigns are always adapted to requirements.

Icon Prozentzeichen | Percent sign icon | SPIRIT/21

Experience community at SPIRIT/21

A family environment and close cooperation are our top priority. It is not always easy to maintain this in customer projects. That’s why we regularly get together for company parties, summer parties and/or Christmas parties to leave work behind us for a short time and concentrate on what makes SPIRIT/21 what it is: us!

Icon tanzendes Männchen und Noten | Icon of dancing man and notes | SPIRIT/21

30 days’ holiday as standard

Every single one of our employees does a lot for SPIRIT/21, so there is no discussion when it comes to holidays. For us, 30 days are standard, regardless of job or position.

Icon Palme auf der Insel | SPIRIT/21


Tom Pützer

Personalreferent Recruiting

Tom recruits for our SAP and Enterprise Business Software & Services departments. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have about recruiting.

Tom Pützer