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Von Team SPIRIT/21 am 11.10.2022 Cloud Services

AWS Migration Blog Post Series Part 2: Optimizing Microsoft Licensing

Want to learn more about AWS Migration? Read a more detailed version of this blogpost: Microsoft Licensing and its optimization with AWS migrations

One of the key issues to consider when moving from an on-premises model to a cloud-based approach is the impact on software licensing. Whether it is a database, operating system, ERP or other application, licensing conditions for on-premises software may differ significantly when running in the cloud.
This is because they are based on different business models. Software installed on-premises often has a more traditional licensing approach, whereby a one-time payment is made to use the application for a certain period of time. Fees for changes or adjustments are rarely included. For cloud-native software, companies pay a subscription fee to access the software, as well as additional costs depending on usage. This subscription-based licensing model makes it easier to switch architecture from one service or provider to another.

Every software vendor is different

Companies that want to move applications to the cloud often find it difficult to get an overview of the different elements of their infrastructure. It is often difficult to understand the different licensing and contract terms they have to deal with when migrating to the cloud. Each software vendor takes a slightly different approach to licensing. Often the terms vary depending on the product and the date of the contract.

The benefits of an OLA with Microsoft expertise

An AWS Optimization and Licensing Assessment (OLA) by SPIRIT/21 gives organizations the guidance they need. OLA evaluates existing infrastructure to get a detailed overview of infrastructure data and to create a business case and migration plan.

In addition, the risks and modernisation needs of the current licensing situation are presented in a transparent manner, as shown in the adjacent table:

An AWS Optimisation and Licensing Assessment (OLA) with in-depth knowledge of Microsoft technologies and licenses provides the necessary orientation. SPIRIT/21 shows how companies can save on licensing costs for Microsoft products, e.g. Windows Server and Microsoft SQL Server. This is because already at the beginning of the migration it is clear how licences and AWS services can be used most efficiently. By correctly dimensioning the infrastructure, SPIRIT/21 makes it possible to reduce memory, server or storage space and at the same time save on licensing, resource and migration costs. clauses, such as bring-your-own-license (BYOL).

BFor example, a client with 700 local servers cut costs by 55% by using Windows licenses provided by AWS, combined with a BYOL approach to SQL servers. By using dedicated host servers in conjunction with existing licenses for Windows and SQL servers, the overall cost savings were as high as 65%.

With many years of experience with Microsoft products and AWS technologies, SPIRIT/21 can also help your organization get your Microsoft technology to AWS in the most cost-effective and efficient way possible.

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Team SPIRIT/21