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Von Team SPIRIT/21 am 09.10.2022 Cloud Services

Blog Post Series AWS Migration Part 1: The Benefits of Optimization and Licensing Assessment

Want to learn more about AWS Migration? Read a more detailed version of this blogpost: The benefits of an optimization and licensing assessment with SPIRIT/21 when migrating workloads

When migrating workloads to the AWS cloud, it is often difficult to determine which workloads to move and how to scale them in the cloud. Businesses need to be aware of the implications of moving workloads to the cloud, including the architecture of systems and applications in the new environment and what that means for licensing their technologies. In order to create a business case and migration plan, they first need to get an overview of the existing infrastructure and assess it. An Optimization and Licensing Assessment (OLA) helps to do just that. SPIRIT/21 provides an assessment. free of charge in cooperation with AWS.

How can an OLA speed up your cloud migration?

An OLA collects as much data as possible about a company’s existing IT environment over a period of two to four weeks. This includes, for example, information on CPU and RAM usage or the use of operating systems. We do not need any external connections to collect data and there are no operational interruptions.

With the help of the information collected, companies can also get an idea of their current licensing situation and find out how it would change by switching to a cloud-optimized alternative.

Basis for a cost-effective migration strategy

The OLA provides the basis for the development of a business plan and migration strategy based on the existing infrastructure and its performance data. The assessment significantly speeds up the migration planning phase and enables realistic migration plans. The main advantage is that the customer gets an overview of their environment and understands how the technology is currently being used in their local infrastructure.

SPIRIT/21 combines the information gained from an OLA with its AWS technology expertise, such as SAP on AWS, storage technologies, networks, and cloud-native development. This approach helps organizations get a comprehensive view of all workloads and provides a solid basis for planning migration to AWS.

Optimization and licensing assessments supported by AWS Funding

An OLA with SPIRIT/21 also gives organizations the opportunity to learn how to use funds from the AWS Migration Acceleration Program (MAP). With its experience in running AWS OLAs and migrations for businesses of all sizes, SPIRIT/21 can provide guidance on the funding available, helping clients migrate their workloads at the lowest possible cost.

Team SPIRIT/21

The SPIRIT/21 team will be happy to advise you on all aspects of your IT tasks, from consulting and implementation to the operation of individual services and complete IT infrastructures. We deliver solutions that work. We look forward to hearing from you.

Team SPIRIT/21