Always the best person for the Job - Successfully staffing projects
Many companies, especially in times of a shortage of skilled workers, are faced with the challenge of not having the right skilled workers in-house for certain tasks in defined projects. Hiring often does not make sense due to the uniqueness of the IT project, as there is no longer any possibility for the specialist to work after the end of the project or the permanent team can handle the following work well. Therefore, these projects are often handed over to external service providers as part of Outtasking** or specific specialist personnel are recruited through them for temporary project assignment. We, SPIRIT/21, work according to the motto “always the best person for the job”, because we are convinced that people who can fully contribute their knowledge and skills while enjoying their work do the best possible job and that projects succeed best in this way.
The key to success in IT projects: permanent employees and a strong network
As a IT service provider with more than 20 years of history, we are proud to have almost 500 highly qualified employees in our ranks. In addition, we have a strong network of freelancers and partner companies, with whom we have been working successfully for decades. To ensure that this network is constantly evolving and that customers (both new and existing) are always able to find the right people with the required skills and mindset for their project with us, a team of so-called resource managers takes care of it every day..
A behind-the-scenes look at SAP project staffing
As a central position for staffing IT projects, resource management comes into play as part of the respective department when a request for temporary support is made. Resource management tasks span the entire process of staffing a project with the aim of finding a person who meets the required professional and social requirements and is available for the period in question. In doing so, it is important to be well-versed in the field and use the best processes and techniques in order to find and recruit the ideal person for the task.
A behind-the-scenes look at SAP project staffing
As a central position for staffing IT projects, resource management comes into play as part of the respective department when a request for temporary support is made. Resource management tasks span the entire process of staffing a project with the aim of finding a person who meets the required professional and social requirements and is available for the period in question. In doing so, it is important to be well-versed in the field and use the best processes and techniques in order to find and recruit the ideal person for the task.

In SAP there is enormous complexity. Often a very special know-how is required in order to be able to implement the individual project well. So in order to find the ideal person for the project, it is very important to qualify the request optimally. This includes checking the technical requirements as well as important basic project data.
With an eye on the ideal workload, we first check whether internal staff meet the requirements and whether they are available during the project period. If this is not the case, our excellent network of freelance colleagues and partners (onshore and offshore) is used, which is based on long-standing and trusting cooperation. In the case of external support, the resource management then takes the form of a telephone interview, a further step to check whether the fit is in fact met. Primarily, in such an interview, the professional qualifications are compared with the required requirements and key data are checked. and monetary negotiations are included here.
Once one (or even more) person(s) is found who fits the enquiry, it goes into the quotation phase. The contact person on the client side is offered the potential experts by qualitative high quality qualification profiles in SPIRIT/21 design. The process of decision-making on the part of our clients is very different and takes different lengths of time. The task of resource management is to facilitate communication between expert and client company and to clarify possible open questions..
As the final step in the project placement process, the commercial handling of the contract system is now open. Depending on the process chain at the customer company, there may be very different requirements until all signatures are on paper.
The defined process with all the steps and our experience enables our resource management to support our clients ideally. We create individual resources as well as complete project teams and all of this across SAP modules and industries, from junior to senior - from PMOs to project managers to developers.
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Evelin Dammert
Teamlead SAP Training
Phone: +49 172 632 7338
Evi is Team Leader Training in our SAP/ERP department. She ensures that your staff are optimally equipped to use your system.