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Zero Trust model: a modern security strategy

Vulnerabilities in your IT security? Minimize risks with Zero Trust

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Bei diesem Bild handelt es sich um eine digitale Illustration, die das komplizierte Geflecht von Maßnahmen zur Sicherung privater Nutzerdaten durch Verschlüsselung zeigt. In der Mitte steht ein Schloss, welches Zero Trust symbolisiert. | SPIRIT/21

Recognize and close security gaps: Putting your IT security to the test

Many companies struggle with inadequate security of their IT systems. Without a comprehensive security concept, vulnerabilities arise that cyber criminals can exploit. A zero-trust model offers an effective solution to minimize these risks and strengthen your IT security.

The zero-trust architecture is based on the principle of “trust no one, check everything”. In a Zero Trust model, every device and every user is continuously checked, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the company network. This method minimizes the risk of security breaches and ensures the highest level of security.

Zero Trust: more than just a technology

Zero Trust is a modern security concept that assumes that neither internal nor external networks should be considered trustworthy. Instead, every access attempt is thoroughly checked and, if necessary, authorized, regardless of systems or resource types, users or sources. This control takes place continuously.

It is not a pure technology solution, but a multi-dimensional framework. The Zero Trust approach aims to prevent data leaks and strengthen security in digital environments. The implementation of Zero Trust is on the rise in all industries, as the concept offers a variety of benefits, such as dynamic risk assessment, improved risk management, cost savings and business agility. In return, however, Zero Trust requires ongoing collaboration between business departments and IT security managers.

How Identity Access Management supports the Zero Trust model

The first step in securing any network is controlling access, often referred to as Identity Access Management (IAM). A robust IAM system is critical to implementing a zero trust model. It ensures that every identity is verified before access is granted. This prevents unauthorized access and increases the security of your IT infrastructure. By implementing Identity Access Management in combination with a zero trust model, you benefit from numerous advantages. You not only increase security, but also the efficiency of your IT operations.

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