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Von Team SPIRIT/21 am 16.01.2023 Unified Endpoint Management

Mobile Endgeräte schneller und effizienter einsetzen

Das Böblinger Kreismedienzentrum (KMZ), eine Einrichtung des Landkreises Böblingen, versteht sich als Dienstleister für Schulen, Bildungseinrichtungen und Vereine. Zu seinen Kernaufgaben gehört das befristete Verleihen von Unterrichtsmedien und technischen Geräten. Mit Unterstützung von SPIRIT/21 kann das KMZ heute seine mobilen IT-Geräte deutlich schneller für die verschiedenen Szenarien vorbereiten und damit effizienter in Einsatz bringen.

Initial situation: Different operating systems and apps

The KMZ provides mobile devices, such as laptops and tablets, with different operating systems and apps, for example for project weeks in schools. Before the devices are issued, they have to be individually configured depending on their intended use and then deleted and restored to their original state when they are returned. This process is very complex and time-consuming. Previously, 20 different process steps were necessary for the KMZ to reset a mobile device to its default settings.

Optimisation through process analysis

In order to optimise the workload from device return to reissue, the MDM experts at SPIRIT/21 first analysed the process and considered which steps could be saved or automated. The result is a streamlined process that requires just five instead of 20 clicks to reset and set up the devices again.

Advantages of setting up end devices quickly

The process optimisation has considerably simplified the work of the district media centre. Thanks to the automated set-up and resetting of devices, they can be borrowed much more quickly and therefore more frequently. The time saved has freed up staff at the media centre. They can devote themselves to new tasks and, for example, advise and support institutions in the use of media technology that were previously unable to offer these services for capacity reasons.

Team SPIRIT/21

The SPIRIT/21 team will be happy to advise you on all aspects of your IT tasks, from consulting and implementation to the operation of individual services and complete IT infrastructures. We deliver solutions that work. We look forward to hearing from you.

Team SPIRIT/21