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Application Modernization & Optimization

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Application Modernisation & Optimisation: Thinking ahead for the future

Are your development costs getting out of hand? Growing systems, rising maintenance costs and rapidly changing requirements - no wonder it’s difficult to keep all systems in sync. Application modernisation is the key to working more efficiently, reducing costs and regaining flexibility.

Microservice architecture: flexible and cost-saving development in functional components

Are you losing sleep over monolithic applications? With microservice architecture, you can focus on flexibility: instead of developing one large application, the functions are divided into several smaller ‘services’ that can be updated, expanded and scaled independently of each other. Each module functions independently and makes it easier to make adjustments during operation. For you, this means less downtime, faster reactions to changes and a system that grows with you.

Data reusability: Why start from scratch every time?

With a well thought-out data reusability strategy, you can get the most out of your existing information. By releasing data objects, e.g. through a streaming approach, third-party applications can reuse data and integrate it seamlessly into their specialised processes. The data objects are standardised, significantly reducing the effort required for individualised interfaces. This not only makes your IT more efficient, but also your entire company.

Event-based interfaces: Make changes available immediately

Do you want your teams to talk to each other better? Event-based interfaces enable efficient and fast communication between your applications. Data is processed in real time when it is created, customised or updated and you are always up to date. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Automated deployment: High speed made simple

Manual processes cost time and nerves. Automated spreading takes the repetitive work off your hands and ensures that everything runs smoothly. This leaves more time for the essentials and you can concentrate on what really matters.

Short development intervals: less waiting time, more innovation!

Month-long development cycles are no longer up to date. Short development intervals allow you to react more quickly to changes, new findings and requirements. This increases the quality of the applications, directional adjustments can be made earlier and you are able to bring new functions live more quickly.

DevOps: Development and operations in one hand

Constant coordination problems between development and operations? With DevOps, these are a thing of the past! Our strong mindset allows us to continuously improve. This enables us to offer you faster, more efficient and trouble-free operations.

Curious? Let’s take the next step together! Contact us today and discover how Application Modernisation & Optimisation can make a difference for you.

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Nicole Schindler

Teamleiterin Business Application Development

Im Team Business Application Development entwickeln wir bedarfsorientiert maßgeschneiderte Softwarelösungen für unsere Kunden.

Nicole Schindler