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Zwei KI-genierte Smartphones mit einer aufsteigenden Bilanz und einer Rakete, welche die Effizienzsteierung von Managed Services symboliseren | SPIRIT/21
Von Justin Taylor am 04.05.2022

Managed Services: “The better the preparation, the better the result”

The use of managed services makes cost structures more flexible, increases productivity and creates more freedom to create added value. However, it also results in dependencies and major changes - not just in IT, but in the entire company organization.

“Good preparation helps to involve all stakeholders in the change process and dispel any concerns,” assures Dr. Justin Taylor, member of the management board and authorized signatory for managed services at SPIRIT/21. Together with his team, he has been helping companies to become ‘managed services-ready’ for many years and supports them from the decision-making process through the transition to operation. In a short interview, he explains what is important here.

What is the best way to prepare for the sourcing of IT services?

Outsourcing IT services requires good planning and, above all, time. It is important that the objectives and scope of the contract are clearly defined for both parties. Everything that can be clarified in advance speeds up the handover of services, reduces the workload for the customer teams and improves the initial quality of the services provided.

SPIRIT/21’s approach is: partnership at eye level. For the successful implementation of managed services, both parties must grow together and work together as partners, even in the event of conflicts.”

Justin Taylor | SPIRIT/21
Dr. Justin Taylor, Managed Services, SPIRIT/21 GmbH

What pitfalls should be cleared out of the way in advance?

First of all, we try to precisely record the current situation. For example, we check whether complete documentation is available, whether service level agreements have been defined and whether legacy systems need to be retained or replaced. This type of question helps us to correctly assess the tasks to be completed, the approach to be taken and the duration of the project. Again, the better prepared the customer is, the easier, cheaper and faster the transition will be.

Übersicht Managed Services: Kundenherausforderungen, Portsolio, Basis-Technologien und Plattformen | SPIRIT/21

What should be considered when selecting a provider?

First of all, it is important that the service provider has the necessary technical and procedural know-how as well as plenty of experience from successfully implemented projects. As many questions as possible should be asked during the selection process. This is particularly relevant if topics or contract structures are unclear or misleading. My personal tip is to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the culture of the selected service provider, as you are entering into a long-term, trust-based relationship. This can have a very positive effect on the price-performance ratio.

How does SPIRIT/21 approach the migration of services?

We use a tried-and-tested methodology when migrating customer services. In close consultation with the client, we draw up a detailed migration plan that maps all dependencies and business-relevant requirements of the target systems. In this way, we ensure that operations continue to run smoothly during the migration. We use automation to accelerate the deployment process, guarantee a highly standardized environment in terms of security and governance and reduce the workload of the transition team.

And what happens after the service handover?

Once all services are stable, we work to continuously improve the quality and efficiency of the services provided. This requires discipline and attention to detail. If IT environments or technologies change during the multi-year contract period, it is important that the provider reacts quickly and can also provide services outside of the originally defined project scope. For example, in addition to traditional infrastructure, application and project management services, SPIRIT/21 also offers cloud services as well as software and cloud-native development expertise.

Justin Taylor

IS Business Development

Justin has been in leading roles in IT outsourcing and managed services since 1991. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have on these topics.

Justin Taylor