Automating complex IT environments - but how?
The business environment has changed dramatically for SPIRIT/21 - as it has for most IT service providers - in recent years. Complexity has increased noticeably. The technical diversity of IT environments has developed at a rapid pace and volumes have grown. A multitude of services had to be provided around the clock for more and more customers and systems.
At the same time, the market was changing. The trend towards standardization turned many IT services into mass-produced goods. Public cloud platforms introduced new technologies and methods that could be provided in a highly standardized, cost-effective and faster way than was possible in the previous environment.
Increasing the efficiency of IT management with automation
We were looking for a way to operate our systems as efficiently as possible - regardless of location - and to build a bridge between on-premises and cloud-based technologies. Automation routines should help us to integrate the different technical environments in such a way that they are easy to operate using a standardized range of tools. This provided another benefit: specialized teams would no longer be needed to manage and operate AWS, Azure or VMware clouds or container-based services. Automation should therefore help to increase the overall efficiency of IT management - especially in a job market where it is becoming increasingly difficult to find technical experts.
Creating added value through automation
Since the first use cases were successfully implemented, we have been working continuously to further expand our use cases and implement automation routines in as many areas as possible. Today, automation and the focus on higher-value services are crucial for SPIRIT/21 in order to create added value for our customers.
Learn more

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Justin Taylor
IS Business Development
Phone: 01726296780
Justin has been in leading roles in IT outsourcing and managed services since 1991. He will be happy to answer any questions you may have on these topics.